Jardins, hortas e cafés da manhã
03/04/13 03:00Vocês sabem, não é que o primeiro passo para um dia bom é um café da manhã sem pressa, cafezinho simples, com pão fresco e manteiga, não precisa mais? Precisa, sim, precisa estar vendo alguma paisagem verde pela janela ou pela porta. Se os jornais estiverem ao lado, melhor ainda. Há por trás daquilo uma ligação com o mundo. Nem que não dê tempo de ler, é só a âncora daquele costume arraigado.
Uma vez, roubei do jardim de um cliente uma muda de florzinha amarela. Acontece que todo jardim plantado com a mesma coisa por um quilômetro fica lindo quer queira quer não. O dele era assim, e consegui repetir a façanha num canteiro. Está lá. É a hora das flores pequenas e amarelas, e resolvi que vou fazer com que elas tomem conta da antiga horta. Vou deixar a pimenteira, o pé de louro, a jabuticabeira. E que as flores amarelas imperem sozinhas.
Nesta altura da vida, já me convenci de que a natureza de mãe não tem nada. Está sempre ali para dar o bote, mesmo que a gente não se distraia. Há aquelas pestes de bichinhos pretos ou de lesminhas incolores. Aprendi que morrem se a gente derrete um sabão na água e rega tudo. Até dá certo.
Acontece que a sálvia não sabe direito se gosta de sol ou de sombra, tem que ser meia-sombra. O coentro morre depressinha. Parece que a raiz da pimenteira tão querida está com cupim, e as heras estão umedecendo as paredes da casa.
Lá no sítio, é ainda pior. Não falo mais de caseiro que não planta nada, que só come Danoninho da cidade, mas coitado, é plantar e vem a chuva, e vem o vento, e vem a pulga, e zero. Começar de novo. Melhor plantar árvore, daquelas conhecidas. Não há vento que entorte.
E as galinhas? Seu Antonio me disse que uma delas estava com o pé machucado, com o dedo inflamado. Não me lembro de ter respondido nada, talvez um murmúrio, “vou à farmácia”. Não sei mesmo.
Ontem perguntei como ia a galinha. Ele respondeu que o dedo dela caiu com o remédio que eu mandei passar.
“Eu?” “É, a senhora disse para eu passar água sanitária.” “Seu Antonio, o senhor sabe que odeio água sanitária, nem compro…”
É, mas diz ele que mandei e quero morrer de dó da galinha sem dedo, que desastre!
E aquelas plantas que “pegam demais”? Hortelã, bonina, aquela florzinha caipira com cheiro de vaselina barata e feijão de rama vão nascendo, vão nascendo e, de repente, é preciso arrancar e jogar longe.
Com o tempo, vai dando uma saudade, mas, na hora da invasão, são mortos a sangue frio.
Pois é, o pão está crocante, perigo continuar comendo. Se começo a ler o jornal, perco a hora. Imagine um catálogo de plantas comestíveis que veio junto com um deles. Uma ervilha-verde de trincar nos dentes, uma salsinha-crespa que sozinha dá gosto a um omelete inteiro…
Foi-se o tempo de inventar hortas novas. Ainda tenho uns desvarios de canteiros altos que batam na minha cintura e com rodas para serem levados ao sol da tarde ou tirados das tempestades que Deus dá. É possível, seria o máximo. Tomo o último gole de café já frio e corro para o trabalho. Amanhã tem mais.
Should he tell it through eyes of Edward, or his two daughters?
I’d also submit that, as the best humor comes from the truth of life well-observed, brand truth – and
ensuing trust – can be built as well on laughter as on any other foundation.
The proposed settlement is not an admission of liability
by BP. I mean, it took GSK, for example, over a decade to admit
that its anti-depressant paroxetine had addictive qualities and then there
was the Ribena vitamin C case in New Zealand.
There is no issue more vital to the church today than the issue of world religions.
Also singing on the show will be the beautiful Gunjan Singh.
That hike was very special to us in many ways.
FTP: ProFTPD Random bits: Maestro nodes? And, if you are posting
on additional social sites, I would like to keep up with everything new you have to
post. According to HHS, it was a “critical” way to make sure people are aware of their “rights, protections and benefits” under the health care law.
I am not familiar with Kate Chopin – she now goes on my reading list.
The worst five minutes of my life, are the five minutes before I go on stage.
If known, the condition can be treated with medical guidance
and a low-protein diet; left untreated, the condition interferes with brain development, leading to mental
retardation. Cipher is performed with a “band” of four electronic boxes, including electronic tabla (drum
box) and electronic tanpura (drone box), which have trapped a centuries-old tradition of acoustic finery into a
convenient, portable form. Acknowledge her anger but in a calm way.
No word on that price at the moment. Damage estimate is more than $5,000.
The men were accused of opening fire at Pittman
after a relatively minor argument. The burden of evidence for your assertions about the IPCC report is on your side.
He proceeded this way until after 13 weeks he had focused on all virtues.
In the decades following the Second World War the rhetoric of self-determination and decolonization was very much in
the air, but especially at the United Nations.
Welcome to the internet, Rhube. The flash flood —
unleashed when a mountain lake fed by melting glacier waters burst its banks — destroyed homes, bridges and a hydroelectric plant.
24. So that led me to look up “Barnack,” and I
was surprised at what I found.
I believe that it is unseemly in this country to encourage people to turn in
their neighbors and employers to the IRS as contemplated
by this particular program. Together with every thing that appears to be building inside
this particular subject material, all your perspectives happen to be fairly stimulating.
But here’s a twist I didn’t see coming. She glanced at her watch under
the bright lights of the petrol station. Si “el
uso del masculino con valor genérico implica un trato
lingüístico discriminatorio” ( CCOO-24 ), ¿cómo han
de reaccionar las mujeres que no perciben en él tal discriminación?
The limitation of one year does not apply where any duty has been paid
under protest. I don’t care if they come into Perth with Gallop
carried by porters at the head of a brass marching band or if they deliver the news with hidden notes left by
a bevy of imported ninja, I just want the IC to hurry up and
decide on the expansion issue already! One can only presume that Townsend would
have taken that place on the right, before leaving to join playoff rivals Birmingham.
I closed the curtain so I wouldn’t see what was going on and off I went to make the coffee.
But there has been no activity on her cellular telephone since she was last seen, nor has there been
any action involving her banks and credit cards,
police acknowledged.
Before I begin this review proper, I’m just going to
take a second to laud the incredible camaraderie
among the metal community which saw the Mighty Ewen Gray Cameron of Wimps and
Posers Leave The Hall for putting a Traveller in a strange land up for
the night, may his blade never dull and long may he sit in wise judgement over at
Leave The Hall . Even then, the best you can possibly hope for is shared primary custody and 50% time with your children. I don’t know the divorce rates in other countries, though. “After Taseer’s assassination, Minister Bhatti remained resolute in his criticisms,” Sam Zarifi said. Lately, though, I’ve been looking at Pollock’s work quite a lot.
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til slikt. Damaged is when a guy is putting in work, treating a woman right, and yet she
still lumps him in with every other bad experience she had.
Give Para-Medic a call after catching one for some lulz.
If another black man tells me a relationship story.
La gravissima crisi tuttora in corso in Grecia, che l’ha ridotta
ad un protettorato atlantico, è esempio di scuola in tal senso e scenario che, in qualsiasi
momento, potrebbe riproporsi anche in Italia.
I can’t remember the last time Rush lost a sponsor over something he said.
(Claiming of squatters’ rights? Fully supported road bicycle tour.
The point of this blog is this: Prepare yourself before
the door-to-door salesman ever makes a visit or a stop. Drunk school output.
As Jim’s wife, I am offended and outraged by Mr.
Anyway, thank you for this excellent point and while I can not really agree with this in
totality, I regard the perspective. Although the storyline itself can be
somewhat baffling, BlazBlue’s characters are
the meat of the experience. El taxista durante cinco años canceló oportunamente la implementación del
servicio en su vivienda. “We are also looking to
showcase local talent and local restaurants, bars and
hangouts,” he said.
I’ve also been curious about trying lenses that fashion photographers use since I run a style blog.
そしてビデオがアップされました!が、舞台裏映像ではなく、新しいインタビューでした。 ちょっと残念だけど、ま、しかたない(苦笑)。 そしてFaultのプレビューはUK時間の明日、公開してくれるそうです。 Yahoo!
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……………………………….. Of course it has to be right out in the open area
that won’t be covered up by cabinets or hidden in
the linen closet.
She also added that the Ministry of Economy and Antitrust Policy is developing a decree according to which the inspections of businessmen are planed to conduct on
individual schedule on a scale of risks. On the contrary, he says there are a few locations that need the support of foreign
buyers. Die blou berge van Albanië, die platane by Nîmes en ‘n hotelkamer in Helsinki en die gepaardgaande assosiasies word ondermeer opgeroep, maar ook drome, briewe en gesprekke, want
Van hee herlei haar belewing telkens na die
intimiteit tussen mense, of die afwesigheid daarvan – en so weer na die stilte, wat
vir haar beide ‘n toestand van volmaaktheid en verdriet kan versinnebeeld.
Pamela is actually male UGG hot. old friend Livan Hernandez and Bryce Harper hitting seventh, that can
be found here .
He is also a keen photographer and I am hoping to pick up some tips from him soon, perhaps over beer.
The (tony robbins) Page – michael mattox – The (tony robbins) Page …First
I want to say that I really evolved as a (tony robbins) follower.
Her daughter will probably be as beautiful as she is and hopefully half
as good a cook. Utgifterna för förskola kan minskas genom att en
större andel av kostnaderna bärs direkt av de som utnyttjar den.
He then proceeds to play a medley of rain-related songs:
BEAST’s “Rainy Days”, John Park’s “In the Rain”
and Kim Tae Woo’s “Love Rain”.
The document also states that a new fisheries management system based on the principles of stability, sustainability and transparency can realize greater economic benefits, ensure long-term sustainability and ocean health and create a more
viable industry. The husband went to his closet saying he was getting his
wallet, but he got a gun instead. He also addressed the fact that Lakeland and King’s Fork high schools are only provisionally
accredited this year because of graduation rates that fell short of state benchmarks.
But Alberto ( Fernando Becerril ), Edward’s music teacher and the aging owner of the family-run restaurant, schools Edward in more than Mexican jams. Have you actually believed about trying to get rid of them or putting in a plugin?
First and foremost; singapore Governemnt under the PAP is not
spending enough money on its own citizens in Education;
Health and Welfare. The opening track on his second album
with Cloud Nothings starts slow and tentative and builds
to slow and furious, as if what he really wanted to say didn’t
occur to him until the two-minute mark. Millions of people claim to care about the welfare of prostitutes, yet
contribute to groups who advocate that we be marginalized, criminalized,
censored, hounded, persecuted, registered, confined, stripped of our rights, robbed of our livelihoods and enslaved…all
because they don’t like what we do for a living. Now what they’d done,
they’d put it through – I’d guessed this – they’d put it through the New Zealand tax break
people; they’d put 2 or 3 projects in, the others were probably more expensive than mine, and I know it did happen because
I learnt afterwards, the tax break people said, “We’ll do
Restless but we don’t want to do the other two.
” In other words, they had an opportunity to get hold of a lot
of money, or a big advantage financially, and they were trying
to get the script off me without paying for it! New May11th spring date.
Now, organizations from police forces searching for missing persons to academic
researchers counting seals on the polar ice cap are eager to launch drones weighing
a few pounds to some the size of a jetliner in the same airspace as passenger planes.
Gereida (23 January 2012) – Internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps in
Gereida, South Darfur have rejected the invitation by the head of the
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I think it is more of a positive force; more influenced than most things.
business for Suncor. I recently wrote just this thing in a WIP.
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But he was still playing good stuff, and might very well have pulled it off – despite not playing at his absolute best.
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Did he disagree with you?
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